Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Merry Christmas, Charlie Brown!

Christmas Greetings to All!

I know, I know. I can hear you saying, "It's not even December yet!!" But I don't possess as much self restraint as some. I just want to wish everyone a super-duper holiday season. (I am blaming all my overt enthusiasm on 5 hours of blaring Christmas music while driving in the car on Thanksgiving Day).

As for November 22, I got to see my cousins & all their cute little kids. I love holding the little ones as they squirm around on my lap, and I rally to the ever-famous cry of childhood, "Do it again!" Though when the day is done, I also love handing them back to their parents.

I suppose the highlight of my Turkey Day was eating Aunt Audrey's black-bottom pie. You have not lived until you have eaten Aunt Audrey's black-bottom pie. I expect her to live forever so she can keep making this treat.

We also played Euchre (no blood was shed) and Apple to Apples... who knew "beer bellies" could be "dainty?" My brother brought out the antlers to the 10-point buck he just shot to show off. (you might be a redneck if...) I also didn't know you could deep fry a whole turkey. (Jeff Foxworthy, look out!)

And that was my Thanksgiving.


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