Wednesday, January 02, 2008

I don't want to wait, for our lives to be over (artist eludes me)

A long time ago (when I was in my early twenties), I decided to give up New Years Resolutions. I think the only one I ever kept was when I decided to read the entire Bible... and that took me 3 years. So this year, I did not make any resolutions, but let me tell you about my plans for 2008.

See, a plan, by definition, is a method worked out in order to acheive an objective. Planning is something a Type A like me does for a living. It gives me direction & helps me focus. It stabilizes my environment and helps me gain control (insert mad scientist laugh here). I have a brother who doesn't ever tell me what he is doing. When I ask him what he will be doing tonight, he responds with, "I dunno." He drives me crazy. Planning calms me (which scares you, since you thought I was normal, but now know I am neurotic).

At any rate, my plans for this year include (but are not limited to):
1. run a marathon
2. apply for & start grad school (scary)
3. run a half marathon, a triathalon, and a new race (destination)
4. finish sewing my dress (hey, it took me 3 years to knit a scarf.... perhaps I should work on a 3 year plan).
5. books to read: Jane Eyre (again), Grapes of Wrath or Of Mice and Men (something classic)
6. movies to watch: Catch Me if You Can (not classic), The Never Ending Story (my friend swears it is classic)

Also on this list are places I want to go. I don't expect to get to all of these places this year, but it's good to have options.
Eugene, Oregon (if you have to ask why, then you are not a runner)
Grand Canyon
Rock-N-Roll Hall of Fame (Cleveland)
Charleston, SC

It's good to have something to work toward. I don't want to wake up 30 years from now and say, "What the heck happened?!" (though I'm guessing I will). This is part of my "Kick the Bucket" list, which is a movie that will not be part of my plans.

If I was the resolution-making type, I would try to use less parenthesis (but I don't think that will happen, given my track record).

Happy New Year.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sean Colvin is the artist.

Kara A.

6:46 PM

Blogger The Lumberjack said...

Thanks Kara! I'm reading this now (when I am not feeling so ambitious) and laughing at myself & all my crazy 'plans.' Tune in next time for... 'why I like being lazy!'

Hope you're doing well!

9:26 AM


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