do you see what I see?
What would life be like if everything went the way I wanted?
There would be free ice cream stands all over the place... and not just a scoop of the sweet stuff, we're talking Coldstone/Dairy Queen covered-in-a-hundred-of-my-favorite-toppings ice cream.
Every year there would be a reason for me to go out and buy a ridiculously gorgeous dress so I could dress up like a princess and have a cute guy bring me flowers. Because every girl should have a sparkling, swishy dress and all the flowers she wants; cute guy optional.
The art projects I envision would make their way out of my head, through my hands, and into the hearts of my adoring fans.
I would find a way to speak eloquently and fire back with amazing comebacks on the spot, instead of hours later. I would find ways to make people laugh, because laughter is healthy and healing.
I would listen more.
I would like other people more, instead of finding ways to try and change them. I would accept myself for who I am.
The question is not why I am so infrequently the person I wish to be, but rather why do I so infrequently wish to be the person I am. ~Oriah Mountain Dreamer
I want to see myself as God sees me. And I want to love others as He loves them. If I can get that down, then the rest doesn't really matter.
(Although there is definetly a place for gorgeous swishy dresses and fields of flowers).
Great post! It's funny because I didn't know some of that stuff about you, so thanks for sharing!
Anyways, I'm with you on the gorgeous dress thing - although I'd prefer once a month at least :) HEE HEE!
Check out Proverbs 10:19 - it might encourage you in the personality God's given you - less is often more when it comes to words and our quickness with them (see the book of James also)!!!!
8:50 PM
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