just nod if you can hear me
Once again, it has been ages since I last wrote. In the words of Floyd, "Hello. Is there anybody in there."
My new obsession is finding the perfect couch. I never knew there could be so many choices/styles/fabrics when it comes selecting one. My current couch is a serious brand of Ugly, and in need of replacement, likely to become fodder for the college kids post-game bon fires.
My parents keep saying that I should take a college course since I'm "right by the university." Aka "go get your master's." I already finished college once. I'm not motivated for further education in my career field. The only class I want to take is an art class.
My real issue is that I just broke up with my boyfriend (again, like I'm in high school). I love him, he is wonderful. I'm not going to try to explain it to the masses. I don't have to. But I just wanted to write it here, now, just to get it out of my system. Relationships are hard, but beautiful, even if only for a short while.
As I once read somewhere: We never really stop loving the people we once loved out loud.