Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Buzzy Bash

Every two years a phenomenon takes place in Indiana known as the Buzzy Bash. Folks come from near and far (CO, MI, GA, VA, WI, IL, and now the great state of WV) to take part in this event. It is a very exclusive party, outsiders not welcome. Invitations only by blood or marriage, so we're a pretty darn committed group.

You may have guessed by now that I'm talking about my upcoming family reunion.

This just isn't any family reunion, this is a BYOT. We gather at the family farm for 3-4 nights and camp out in tents. We have lots of great food & lots of great games, scavenger hunts, videos (up graded from our out-dated slide show. What's a slide, you ask), skits, and many stories. There are other traditions such as jarts, showering at the drain pipe by the creek (although we've up graded from that to an outdoor shower, complete with tarp sides and many garden hoses. We've also up graded from an outhouse to port-a-poties), walks to the bridge, walks to the cemetery late at night, and walking to church on Sunday morning.

Essentials to bring: tent, bug spray, lawn chair, and basketball shoes.

We Bashers play a mean basketball game. We have impartial (?) referees and enough players for 3-5 teams of 5. We all caravan to the local gym, and those who choose not to play (for reasons unknown) come & cheer us on. (The gym is also an upgrade since our clan has out grown the old backyard slab court, which has been home to many a game in previous decades). Trash talking abounds from my ever aging cousins who think they still have game. Trips to the local emergency room are not unexpected. As the only nurse in the family, I'm expected not only to play, but to administer first aid as needed. (aka make sure they are all well-hydrated so they don't pass out when I drive by them).

In so many words, it is a fun experience & I wouldn't trade it for the world. Here's to a Buzzy Bash with no car trouble, no geese tied to tents, and no injuries.

Happy Bashing!

Friday, June 23, 2006

it's official

three cheers: hip hip hooray! let's hear it now!

My arch nemesis has left the building! I feel relieved. I'm just glad he's gone.

In other news:

2 Scottish DJs have put out a song called "The Scotsman Song." I heard it on a country station, so some of you may have to assail your ears, but it is worth it! If you have ever had any interst in kilts, this is your song. Your won't be disapointed.

Thursday, June 22, 2006

God really does hear our prayers

An answer to prayer!

Pizza Boy is moving out... today!! About 8 of us gathered last night for a cookout, which we termed as a going away party for Pizza Boy. What he didn't know was that it was actually a CELEBRATION! I've been up all night, because I've got this awful feeling that maybe it's all a dream, that he won't leave and I'll be thrown into a nightmare.

Of course, any weirdo could move in across the street, er, I mean hall, now, but chances are good the newbie (to use a Scrubs phrase... I miss that show) could not possibly measure up to the stalker/weirdo tendencies of Pizza Boy.

In other news...
My boyfriend is WONDERFUL!!!

Monday, June 12, 2006


I never want to hear the words "Chic Filet" again.

After work on Saturday, Dallas & I ate some fine dininig from Chic Filet. This was around 9 pm. By 12 am, I was on the phone asking him to take me to the nearest gas station to get medicine. My stomach was cramping and bloated and gaseous. On the way to the car I let out a huge fart in front of him. It was the most romantic moment ever.

I went to bed, and at 4 am woke up. I drank some juice, took another Tums & promptly puked. I called in sick to work. I spent the next 24 hours puking and pooping, with a temp of 100.6. It must have been the coleslaw I ate.

I'm feeling better now, so that is a good thing. Sorry, if anyone was nauseated by the references to puking and pooping.