Saturday, April 29, 2006

why I need to go to sleep

I'm so tired. I just got done working a 12 hour shift and my feet are screaming that they are 50 years older and 2 inches wider.

It's time like these that I take comfort in my new silverware. Who knew such simple utensils could fill my life with so much joy? No longer am I forced to use the oversized Army-issued forks and spoons. While the Army gear holds sentimental value, I am quite overtaken with the beauty of my new pretties.

I love my eating utensils.

Anyone reading this entry should realize how utterly fried my brain is. Good night.

Monday, April 24, 2006

this world has nothing for me

I wanted to take some time to share about my faith. For my many fans, I would hope that you already know that I am a Christian. However, just to make things clear...

I believe that Jesus has forgiven me of my sins when He died on the cross & I want to live my life to serve Him. (Romans 3:23 for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God. Colossians 3:13 Forgive as the Lord forgave you). By His grace and mercy alone I have been saved, not by any good deeds I have done. I am not perfect. I thank the Lord that He uses imperfect people to carry out His perfect plan. (Psalm 33:11 But the plans of the Lord stand firm forever, the purposes of his heart through all generations).

This world has nothing for me. (James 4:4 don't you know that friendship with the world is hatred toward God? Anyone who chooses to be a friend of the world becomes an enemy of God).

My relationship with Jesus is a work in progress. There are good days and there are bad days. There are days that I do not want to serve the Lord. I am a selfish creature. I am tempted by Satan in many ways. But my God is so much bigger than I can ever imagine. He is so much bigger than I let Him be in my heart. If I truly understood how much Jesus loved me, I would live a totally different life. Thankfully, God does not operate within the restrictions I place on Him. He does not operate according to my design.

The world will know we are Christians by our love. (Matthew 22:37-39 Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it, love your neighbor as yourself.) God is love & He wants us to love Him. He loved us so much He sent His son Jesus to die on the cross for us (Mark chapters 14-16). But the story doesn't end in the grave... Jesus rose from the grave after 3 days. (1 Corinthians 15:55 Where, O death, is your victory? Where, O death, is your sting?). Jesus has the power over Satan and death. Jesus offers His free gift of love, salvation, and eternal life to all who would believe and follow him.

But God loves us enough to give us the choice. Which side will you choose?

Saturday, April 22, 2006


There are runners and then there are runners. Today Pink & I were runners. We drove 2 hours to get to this race of all races, which consisted of a 12 mile course run on trails. Let me say that again, trails. I love trail running. Love it.

Did I mention that it had rained a lot the day before?

So we splashed through 12 miles of creeks and MUD. Oh, my word, was there mud. It was so wonderful I almost cried. It was humid. The red bud trees were blooming. We were yelling. Cute boys were checked out. Dogs were petted. Sweat was pouring. I was in heaven.

Except that after an hour and a half, my legs felt like lead weights. If Pink had not been there, I most certainly would have walked. It was bascially just the two of us romping through the woods, everyone else was so far ahead... er, I mean behind.

Until we conveniently caught up with them at the 5 mile water station.

We were told before the race, 'the course is so well marked, there is no way anyone will get lost.' Yeah, right.

Apparently, Pink & I cut off about 5 minutes of the well-marked course. We soon found ourselves ahead of Adam, a friend of Pink's we had actually seen at 6:30 am at the Sheetz gas station & then laughed when we saw him again 2 hours later at the race. Adam passed us, again, and we were on our way to victory!

At one point we saw a turtle along the trail. I wanted to take him home with me, talk about low maintence pet! I was all over that. But the thought I running for another hour plus with a reptile squished in my hand was not very appealing, to me or to the turtle.

Finally, we had slipped and slid our way up the last mountain. (Did I mention that there are mountains in WV? I miss the flat mother land!) Down (being the key word) the muddy path and into the finish shoot, we claimed the championship trophy!!

Until we told the officials that we sort of missed part of their well-marked course.

When all was said and done, Pink & I had an amazing race. We were spent and filthy, but it was worth every squishy step. For over 2 hours we fought our way up and down the muddy trails of WV. When race results were in, our times weren't too bad. Awards were passed out & Pink & I got an honorable mention. Right next to our names on the race results the following was mentioned: Lost Way.

Friday, April 14, 2006

vote for me & all of your wildest dreams will come true

I decided not to go to the woods today. After yesterday, that was all I could take for an afternoon. And I also talked to my mom, who tells me about some bear in TN that killed a 6 yr old & hurt the mom & 2 yr old, too. So I stayed within the confines of not-the-forest today.

The two things that made my day: shoes & The Benchwarmers.

I found a cute pair of platforms with the ropey-siding stuff on them. Ask Kitty what they are supposed to be called. But I put them on, went soaring about 6 feet, and I (gasp) could actually walk in them! The are as comfy as girly shoes get & I love them. Kudos to shoe queens everywhere! You will be so proud.

I heart Jon Heder. He is my new hero. Ok, I love Napoleon Dynamite. But the Benchwarmers made him my nose-picking, out-field sitting, needlessly falling down forever boyfriend. When we see each other, we will run in slow motion towards each other, fall flat on our faces, crawl on our grass-stained bellies, kiss & the sun will shine & the butterflies will dance. That's always how it happens in real life.

Thursday, April 13, 2006

I'll take Shot Guns for 200, Alex

While hiking in the woods today, I saw a bear. Not a growly bear or a big bear, but a black baby bear. I was minding my own business, when I looked up, and around a big rock & down the trail comes tumbling Baby Bear. I did what any rational hiker would do... I screamed. More out of surprise than fear. Baby Bear panicked turned and took off back into the rocks. I saw him for less than 5 seconds. It was amazing.

But then I panicked. For all my love of the outdoors, I didn't know what to do. I guess I missed the class on Intro to Outdoor Bear Management 101. All I could think was play dead, but that's when a bear is in sight & won't leave/being aggressive. I didn't want to go forward on the trail (the way back to my car) for fear of meeting Mama Bear. It would do me no good to go back, since back was away from my car, people & safety. I had no map. If I stayed put, I would have gone insane.

I decide to keep going forward. I started talking out loud, tooting my "safety" whistle (yeah with my trusty whistle I am armed against all danger). I figure if any more bears were coming, at least they would hear me. Then I heard the bear in the rocks. I talked to him and told him that he better stay away or he would have to deal with me and my "safety" whistle. Getting more scared, I called (I hate to admit it) 911. (Since I have gotten a cell phone, I have called 911 twice. I have never had to call 911 before I had a cell phone. I am thinking of ditching my cell phone!). I think the lady on the other end must of thought I was nuts. I was telling her my name & location so when someone found my bloody remains they would know who it was. She finally said, "Why don't you call your friends so they will know where you are." Oh, yeah, right. I told her she was a brilliant genius. Thank you 911.

So I called my parents and left a nice panicked message on the answering machine. That made me feel so much better.

After what felt like a long time to me, I finally met 2 other hikers coming towards me. I told them what had happened. When I left them they were debating whether to turn back or keep going. I finally made it back to the parking lot, & I saw another couple & told them of the huge, monstrous bear I encountered in the woods. The girl was setting up her video camera. The guy told her, "I'm not chasing bears with you in the woods."

I broke the first two cardinal rules of hiking: 1) Never hike alone 2) Always tell someone where you are going. And I didn't have a map.

I really hadn't planned on hiking far, I had knitting needles in my backpack for goodness sake. Next time I will use those to knit the bear a sweater as a peace offering when he charges down the hill at me. Or perhaps drive the knitting needles into his belly as he rips my flesh open with his claws. Yes, knitting needles are my new weapon of choice.

Normally, I consider myself a very rational person. I don't exaggerate too much and I don't relish in drama (although one might not be able to tell from this entry). However, it has become evident to me today how hopelessly unreasonable my mind can get in the face of the unknown and my own imagination.

Some people hike and never see a bear in the wild. Now I can say how amazing it was to see a bear so close in the wild. But next time, I prefer to be with a large group of slow people. I don't have to out run the bear, just the penguins. Waddle on, friends.

Georgia on my mind

The thing at work is to put pictures of family & friends on one's notebook, to make other people think you really are cared about by someone. So I see a picture of a cutie on a notebook & ask the owner who that dashing young man (holding a cat for the reader's interest) is. It's her son, who is 1) a Christian 2) working at a Young Life camp 3) single 4) into music 5) my age 6) a cutie.... 7) in Georgia, as in, the state. 6 out of 7 isn't bad. I told her (in so many words) to get the hook up.

Monday, April 10, 2006

slices of my life

Ambulance chasing, made well known in The Rainmaker, is also a 5k road race. The best part was all the cook-out food at the end that cancelled out all of the calories burned during the race. Funnel cakes anyone? Kudos to the WVU College of Law & the Mountaineer for his prescence.

Ultimate rejection: being turned away by a church group. Apparently, there are too many people in this home group, and they told me to seek elsewhere. Interesting. I laughed. I wasn't bothered by it, but what about someone who is seeking answers? (because all I want to do is have a good time, ha ha). Something to think about. Maybe the members of their home group could make a trek to BCC.

I finally broke down and went to get a haircut. My last trim (by someone who knew what they were doing) was in the fall of 2000. Think of all the $$$ I have saved over 6 years. I love my hair. Revenge of the Carrot Tops!