Friday, May 30, 2008

Psalm 23~ The Song of a Passionate Heart

And so it comes to this: There is no earthly satisfaction. Marriage, family, achievement, money, celebrity, enlightenment, travel, collections, artistic creation, flamboyance, excess- nothing completes our joy. There is always that elusive something more. No lesson is more comprehensively taught in this world.

It is indeed strange that we go on "mad in pursuit," making the same mistake every day, trusting that life will someday reveal its long-concealed and exquisite plan, even though experience has taught us that no matter what we achieve or acquire, it does not contain the contentment we seek.

Why do we keep on seeking?

Simply put: because we have to. Our seeking is a stirring of absolute need, one that must be satisfied- our eternal need for God. Every desire, every aspiration, every hunger and thirst, every longing of our nature is nothing less than desire for God. We were born for His love and we cannot live without it. He is that "one thing" for which we have been looking all our lives. All that we desire is there, and infinitely more.

~David Roper

Monday, May 26, 2008

Top 5

1. 5 things under $5 I couldn't live without

chapstick, toothbrush, toilet paper, nail clippers, hair ties

2. 5 favorite movies

Charitots of Fire, Hoosiers, Gone with the Wind, Little Women, Almost Famous

3. 5 favorite baby names I love

Caleb, Kelley... those are the only two I am obsessed with.

4. 5 songs I could listen to over and over again

Ice Ice Baby- Vanilla Ice
Sons & Daughters- Bebo Norman
Last Dance with Mary Jane- Tom Petty
Carried Me/The Worship project- Jeremy Camp (the whole cd)
Shackles- Mary Mary

5. 5 people who have influenced me in a positive way

my parents & grandparents
Lorna Bain
Jane Hodson
Lauren Reynolds
my homegroup!! (quite possibly one of the best things about moving to Morgantown)

6. 5 things always in my purse

wallet, check book, kleenex, chapstick, keys

7. 5 moments that have changed my life forever

recovering from illness in 1994
accepting Christ in middle school
deciding to move away from a (ex)boyfriend
talking with Carrie Walker in camp 2002
the rainbow in Colorado 1999

8. 5 obsessions I have right now

finding a man... waiting for a man... trying to be content anyway...
ultimate frisbee
Strong Bad
the sunshine

9. 5 places I would like to go

Europe, especially Germany
back to Summer's Best Two Weeks
Grand Canyon
a tropical paradise

10. 5 appliances/kitchen utensils I cannot live without

microwave, toaster, knife, spoon, can opener

11. 5 people's top 5 I would like to see

Jane Hodson
Tammy Mesko
April Pierce
Nina Hancock
Pam Swope

Sunday, May 25, 2008

conversations with Jesus

So many things I want to say to you, Jesus, but not quite sure where to start.

I am impatient that you have not yet brought me a husband. I don't want a wishy-washy boyfriend. I want a man who loves Jesus and me and wants to spend his life with me. Don't worry, I've got the wishy-washy part covered, hands down. Heck, if he showed up at my door tomorrow, I probably wouldn't know what to do with him. But it would be nice to have a real-in-the-flesh man to spend time with and seek after You together. Not just made-up fantasies in my head. (Of course the grass is always greener on the other side of the fence...)

Enough of the 'poor me'.

Thanks for letting me go to back to camp! It's great to be around Your family, seeing old friends & meeting new ones. It's amazing how much SB2W feels like home again. Raking leaves and cleaning toilets was never so much fun. Roman Red forever! Although, I did meet a good Galatian (or two or three). Plus, You know how much I love Ultimate frisbee.

Help me to be more loving, Lord. I don't always see people through Your eyes. Please give me a servant's heart. Teach me to be humble. And patient. I have trouble with that. Because I want all these things now. I forget that Your timing is best. Help me to want the things You want.

*Your will above all else, my purpose remains
the art of losing myself,
in bringing You praise

Love, Your daughter

*from the inside out