Psalm 86:11
The cry of my heart: give me an undivided heart!
I am pulled in so many different directions. One thing I wish America would do: slow down! Deadlines to meet, appointments to keep, the list goes on and on. Too many distractions.
Yet I find myself chasing after the very things that pull me away from God. Do I truly desire to make God's desires my desires? Do I want to want the things of God?! Or do I just say I want those things because I know that's what I'm supposed to want...
How honest am I with myself? In many situations, I want to do things my way. Often I don't even stop to pray or ask God what He thinks.
That's how I know God is working in my life: He keeps working on my heart. Because I've tried to change my heart, and I can't do it. Maybe for a few moments I can will myself to do the things God wants me to.... but to truly desire what God desires: that is a miracle of God!
So my prayer is that God would take my heart and make it wholly, undivided, and soley His!