Friday, March 21, 2008

Psalm 86:11

The cry of my heart: give me an undivided heart!

I am pulled in so many different directions. One thing I wish America would do: slow down! Deadlines to meet, appointments to keep, the list goes on and on. Too many distractions.

Yet I find myself chasing after the very things that pull me away from God. Do I truly desire to make God's desires my desires? Do I want to want the things of God?! Or do I just say I want those things because I know that's what I'm supposed to want...

How honest am I with myself? In many situations, I want to do things my way. Often I don't even stop to pray or ask God what He thinks.

That's how I know God is working in my life: He keeps working on my heart. Because I've tried to change my heart, and I can't do it. Maybe for a few moments I can will myself to do the things God wants me to.... but to truly desire what God desires: that is a miracle of God!

So my prayer is that God would take my heart and make it wholly, undivided, and soley His!

Friday, March 14, 2008

go see The

Do you know why I'm excited about this Easter weekend? Because then Lent will be over & I can spend all day on, viewing StrongBad emails! Good thing I am solely focused on the true meaning of Easter.

disclaimer- contrary to popular belief, seeing The Passion cannot actually save your soul. Only Jesus can do that.

And He calls us to make a choice...

Wednesday, March 05, 2008

when you are through learning, you're through*

Well, I did it!! I finally got my application mailed out for grad school!!!! Accckk! I never thought I would be going back to school-- the whole idea is very scary to me. I can remember how glad I was to get out of college, I was so ready to be done with it. And here I am, doing crazy things like asking for letters of recommendation and submitting transcripts. Of course, now all I have to do is hurry up and wait for an acceptance (!) letter...

*thanks Grandma Jean!