Sunday, February 12, 2006

Chocolate & Pizza

I said to Pizza Boy, "I'm going over to my apartment to put some socks on because my feet are cold."

Pizza Boy's reply, "Oh, well, um, I, uh, have some. You can, um, wear my, uh, socks."

"No thanks, I don't want to wear your socks. I live right across the hall, I'll get my own."

It's not my fault your damn apartment is so f-ing cold. It's actually my fault, I know you never turn the heat on. I should have remembered MY socks.

Then as I am getting ready to leave for the night, Pizza Boy says, "So um, what are you doing on, um, Valentine's Day?"

"I have to work."

"Oh, well, I was uh, hoping to do something romantic, since I um, haven't done anything on Valentine's Day for the last, uh, five years."

Then, feeling guilty, I say, "But maybe, if I've not had too bad a day, we can go out to eat or something. But I'm usually so tired after working for 12 hours that I just go home and crash."

Why oh, why, did I have to open my big mouth??! What the #x*% is wrong with me?!! Practice with me now, "NO." Say it again, "NO."

Earlier in the day, my new interest Chocolate was over. Pizza Boy knocks on my door. I let him in. Chocolate & I are making lasagna. So out of my mouth comes, "Do you want some lasagna when it is done?"

Pizza Boy, "Uh, yes, that would, uh, be nice."

He says a few other things & finally leaves.

Hours later Chocolate is still here when Pizza Boy again knocks on the door. I wrap up some lasagna & try to shove him out the door, but Pizza Boy suggests that I come over & watch some show on TV. Chocolate is almost ready to leave, so I must shut the door on Pizza Boy, give smooches to Chocolate & go over to Pizza Boy's room of chill. Hence, then begins the struggle to wear my own socks.

What is up with the weirdos following me?? I must learn to say what I am thinking & not be so damn nice.

Tuesday, February 07, 2006


Today I went down into the woods. Quietly, without the hum of everyday life filling my eardrums. The stillness is music, soothing, going deep down into my marrow. Trees creaking, snowflakes landing, water chasing. These are the quiet balm of a day spent in the woods, among the rock and soil.

"Our life if frittered away by detail. Simplicity, simplicity, simplicity! I say, let your affairs be as two or three, and not a hundred or a thousand.

Why should we live with such hurry and waste of life?

The mass of men lead lives of quiet desperation. A stereotyped but uncoscious despair is concealed even under what are called the games and amusements of mankind. But it is a characteristic of wisdom not to do desperate things."

~Henry David Throeau

Sunday, February 05, 2006

a day in the life...

Work has been interesting. Mostly it is just trying to figure out how WVUH differs from HRH and getting used to the system. The actual bedside care is still the same. There are still the sweet little old patients who are just adorable & never cause any trouble. And there are still the patients that should just be handed a DNR card at the door, or the family members who need to take some xanax. That might make my life a little easier. (To all of you reading who are throwing a fit & muttering verses from the Hippocratic oath, look up sarcasm, take a xanax & continue reading).

Sarcasm aside, for there is some hint of truth in every statement, I seem to be fitting in well at work. I wear the same uniform as all the other kids, so people think I am really cool already. My mom even packs my lunch with bonus foods, so everyone wants to trade with me at lunchtime. I am so popular. My hair is in a side ponytail with lots of scruchies & I wear leg warmers over my scrubs. Everyone is green with envy.

Speaking of green, the Turtle got a new look for her wide rear end. Her plates got changed, brakes inspected, & she got taxed to live in the mountains. She is now free to roam the countryside as she pleases. She is now an official West Virginian.

How about those Steelers?! I myself cheer for another Black & Gold, but hey, I think thumb rings are cool. (See previous reference to being cool in second paragraph).

Question of utmost importance: Do you suppose each family has their own familial whistle? I know mine does. We're not talking about special whistles, that is another discussion for another time. So I was in the store the other day, and I swear to you I heard the family whistle from Almost Famous. I kept turning around to see if William Miller's mother was searching for him. The whole incident happend in a Kroger. Depending on your associations, that could be a good or a bad thing. Dejavu for me.

Maybe it's just the voices...make the voices stop please.